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Adult Therapy.


When you’ve read all the books, heeded advice from your loved ones, and tried to make changes on your own, but you still don’t feel like yourself, it’s time to try a new approach. Sometimes, the challenges we face can’t be solved alone; sometimes, we need to take a deeper look to find the root of the issue.


Believe us, we've been there. It's why we're so passionate about what we do. If you've found yourself reading this page, perhaps a part of you is ready to explore a different way of living. Yes, it is possible.


How Does it Work?


We help people understand their feelings and needs. Together with you, we develop the steps and daily tools necessary to create positive changes in your life. Here is how we do it:

  • Discuss current problems or goals

  • Identify early problem-solving skills

  • Examine patterns of relating to others

  • Develop goal-oriented strategies

  • Assess personal resources

  • Learn tools and techniques for changing old patterns of behavior and implementing your decisions


4 Ways Therapy Can Help
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Therapy is About You.


In individual therapy, we will spend time understanding, how you are experiencing your life in a deep and connective way. With support, compassion, and non-judgmental curiosity, we will look below the surface. 

Much of this work will require you to strengthen the part of yourself that can track, observe, and experience what you feel in a moment-to-moment way. In our busy lives, it is easy to avoid or not notice our emotions until they suddenly demand our attention. We will encourage you to embrace these sometimes uncomfortable feelings: when they are honored and released, they can be fantastic guides. 

Above all, it is vital that our relationship feels supportive and warm, and that it serves as a container in which you can be completely yourself, free to explore with honesty and bravery. It is always our  first priority to make individual therapy a space where you feel truly seen and understood.


All the insight we will ever need to live well will come from fully being who and where we are.

Brenda Shoshanna

How We Work

How We Work.

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